Wednesday, July 21 - Due to heavy rains, some of the courses got cancelled that day. Nathan's group was supposed to go on the Confidence Course, but instead they apparently had an inspection, did some laundry, etc. Here's a picture of Nathan being inspected (I think his room mate is the one on the left):

Thursday, July 22nd - Nathan and his group did the Assault Course for the second time that day (for my post about the first time he did it, click HERE, or scroll down to the post on July 15th). The second time through the course is somewhat different than the first's what WebGuy said last week to explain the difference:
I was out with the Hellcats [Esther's note: that's another squadron] for their second run at the Assault Course. Since it was the second run, they did not go through the initial time of learnig the moves, then running the course. This time, they broke into flights to do the pugil stick competitions, then ran the Assault Course.
WebGuy Note: These pugil stick competitions within the squadrons produce male and female winners for the squadron. Then, on the last day of Jacks Valley, the squadron finalists compete in front of everyone, including news crews, to determine who will be the male and female "Big Bad Basics"!
When it came time for Aggressors (Nathan's squadron) to do it yesterday, they had a special guest!
"This was a strange Assault Course. The Vice Chief of Staff was visiting, and he went out to see this squadron on the Assault Course," said WebGuy. As in, the Vice Chief of Staff for the Air Force from the Pentagon! :D
Here are a few pictures of Nathan......

Friday, July 23rd - Today was a make-up day for any random cadets who missed one of the courses, and also for the squadrons who missed a course because of the weather on Wednesday. So Nathan and his group ran the Confidence Course today. Here's what WebGuy said a while ago about the confidence course, including the official description of the course:
As I explained yesterday, the mission of the Confidence Course is to "develop and assess basic cadets' self confidence and physical capabilities by guiding them, as individuals and teams, through a selected group of 15 obstacles which vary in height and difficulty. The course will require all basic cadets to demonstrate physical dexterity, teamwork, and cohesion to achieve successful outcomes."
This area is pretty fun. Many of the tasks result in a sense of accomplishment. Others, are just plain fun.
Most of the pictures of Nathan don't show much of what he's actually doing. So here's a link to a post of WebGuy's, including other pictures from Nathan's squadron, that gives a slightly better idea of what the Confidence Course is:
And here are the pictures of Nathan:
In the first one, he's apparently watching someone else climb something high.

Well, that's all I've got. Tomorrow will be a big day - the basics get to leave Jacks Valley! No more living in tents :) Here's a link to a post that explains what the weekend will look like for the basics:
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