Just text for tonight. I've got to get to bed and don't want to do pictures at the moment. I will get some pics up tomorrow.
Sunday, July 25th
Webinator said:
Well kids, I am going to call it a night. The day's activities for the Basics included Chapel time, a Briefing, flight drill, more flight drill, lessons in parade procedure, then Intramurals. I also posted today's schedule.
The most exciting part? The basics got their blues uniforms! They look so nice in them, and I would guess that Nathan is happy :)
Monday, July 26th
well, this day is sure uneventful compared to the last two weeks. The schedule is composed of the following items:
(1) Flight Drill
(2) Room Inspection
(3) Training on Officer Development System (See below)
(4) Cadet Store (Only Flying Tigers and Guts)
(5) Training on Cadet Discipline System
(6) Room Set-up
That's the entire morning and afternoon. Zzzzzzzzzzzz.
If anyone wants to read more on the Officer Development System, the Academy has some information on their site at http://www.usafa.edu/superintendent/xp/xpl/ODS.cfm
The basics also did intramurals that evening. Nathan is doing volleyball again.
Tuesday, July 27th
As I mentioned, the morning was tied up with one big briefing. The afternoon had a number of activities, including some visits to the Cadet Store, classes on "Reporting and Open Ranks", and E-Mail dos and don't.
The thing that caught my eye on the schedule was "Rank Issue". They must be getting "issued" their fourthclass shoulder boards. These will be worn on their blue shirts once they are "Accepted" into the Cadet Wing on August 4th. Until then, they cannot be worn.
In the evening, the basics have an hour study block. This seemed odd until I looked at tomorrow's calendar. Tomorrow, they begin taking their Military Knowledge Test (MKT). This test will cover the fourthclass knowledge they were supposed to learn during BCT.
The briefing about email is called "email netiquette"! ;-)
Goodnight!! As I said, I will add pictures to this tomorrow. I'm just too tired right now.
7/30 update: Well, it's not tomorrow, but here are finally the pictures! The only ones I have are from the 26th - we didn't see any of Nathan from the 25th or 27th.
These first two are of his flight drilling in blues. Don't they look nice?????? :D
Nathan's in the center, 2nd row back.

Oh, and here's a link to a video of Nathan's group doing volleyball. He's in the background and doesn't do much other than rotate out...bu still :)
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