Well apparently the Air Force is nice enough to allow the basics to celebrate the 4th of July in style! :D According to WebGuy's schedule, the basics had over an hour to hang out and relax while they waited for fireworks. Not only that, they were given ice cream and soda and chips - things they never get during BCT! Below is the best picture I could find of Nathan at the "party" - he's on the left of the group.

"Let's put our imaginations to work, shall we. Picture yourself in this situation. It's Sunday. It's the Fourth of July. Dreams of barbeques and beaches come to mind. Mmmmmmm. Burgers. Hot Dogs. Sweet corn on the cob. Yoo Hoo.
STOP!!!!!! This is Basic Training. Go put on you ABUs, stand outside in the 80 degree dusty wind, and march for a few hours!"
Paints a bit of a different picture there ;-)
Monday the 5th -
I don't have much info on what happened yesterday. The basics are gradually being fitted for their dress uniforms and going to more and more briefings. Yesterday evening they did intramurals again, but there weren't any pictures of Nathan that time. I did find a few of him from yesterday doing....guess what? Marching! :D

Oh, and they do get to eat too........ ;-) Nathan was sitting at the foot of the table at this meal. A while back, I think WebGuy said something about the basic who sits at the foot of the table. I think that they serve everyone's drinks. But I don't really remember and I can't find it.

Today -
The only pictures I've seen of Nathan today are more marching...so I won't bore you with those ;-)
Aggressors received their rifles today. Here's what WebGuy had to say about that.....
"Squadrons have slowly started receiving their demilitarized rifles. (Translation - they don't work). Once the basics receive them, they need to learn how to hold them and march with them. (Just when they got used to marching with just their hands and feet!)"
Webinator, another blogger on WebGuy's team, had this to say about what the basics were up to this afternoon:
"After lunch, as you can see through WebGuy's posts, the Basics went through more Flight Drill, Coat Fittings, Weapon Issue, Weapons Drill, and Briefings on Honor and Finance. The Basics also went to the Dental/Optometry Clinic and had time at the C-store. They are currently in the middle of dinner, then will transit to learn Clothing and Wardrobe Set-up. After that, they will hear an evening brief, then have hygien/personal time, then TAPS."
This weekend will be a big milestone for the basics. They will finish BCT 1 and transition (read 'a super long march') to Jacks Valley, a wilderness area off campus, where they will live in tents and such for BCT 2 until August 1st or something like that. Here's a breakdown of this weekend that WebGuy shared:
"10 July (Saturday) 0730 - 1100 Field Day
The BCT summer squadrons compete against each other in variuos athletic events. The events will take place on the fields north of the Cadet Field House/Gymnasium. Spectators can attend and there are bleachers there. However, the bleachers are behind a rope cordon that the parents must remain behind and communication with the basics is strongly discouraged.
WebGuy Note: The Basics are due to be in place NLT 0700 for the march on to Field Day.
10 July (Saturday) 1300 - 1830 Doolie Day-In
In the afternoon, the Basics will relax and eat. According to the Parents Club coordinator, the basics should be able to access a phone at some point duriing the day.
WebGuy Note: Families should try to be available between those hours to field a call from their basic.
11 July (Sunday) 0645 - 0830??? March to Jacks Valley
The basics will begin the march fron the Terrazzo to Jacks Valley around 0645. They will head down North Gate Blvd. The route passes by the B-52 memorial. Many parents view the march from there."
Well, that's all - this one's a bit long, but it covers 3 days and is more detailed than sometimes - so enjoy :)
Thanks for keeping us up-to-date Esther! A friend of mine was in Colorado with his son visiting colleges. They saw cadets marching at the AFA and he posted about it. It was fun to think they might have seen Nathan.