First off, here's a picture (I found it on Facebook :D) of Nathan's room mate.

The 2nd wasn't a very exciting day at BCT. I didn't find any pictures of Nathan from that day, but here are pictures of others doing some PT (Physical Training) exercises, and Nathan is probably doing the same ones. The basics have PT from 4:45-6:00 every morning. I'm sure they all love that - not! They have names for the exercises. The one below is called "Iron Mikes."

Below are "flutter kicks"

"Fireman Carry"

"Bear Crawl"

"Air Assault Claps"

Some of the basics also went to the tailor shop so that their uniforms would fit more properly. Other than that, I don't really know what was happening...
Saturday the 3rd - The basics had intramurals again in addition to the PT for the morning. Here are some shots of Nathan doing volleyball...he managed to have his back to the camera in every single one though :/

(on the right in both the picture above and the one below)

(on the right again in the picture below)

Once the basics had showered after intramurals, they had SAMI's (Saturday Morning Inspections). WebGuy had a blog post describing a SAMI with some pictures (not of Nathan): (UPDATE: here's a video that WebGuy posted - also not of Nathan:
These marching pictures are probably when they were headed to lunch. Below is one of the best pictures we have seen of Nathan yet! :D

Another one in formation....

So that's really all I have - not much news, sadly, but a few good pictures :)
P.S. the basics will get to see fireworks on the USAFA campus this evening!
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