Well, I just spent quite a while looking through 1200 some pictures that WebGuy posted this evening from yesterday. And I found 16 of Nathan! I am very happy about that :D Most were from drilling and from the intramurals the basics did yesterday evening (Nathan did volleyball). Some of the pictures are very similar to one another, so here are a few of the best for your enjoyment!
I would guess that the above is Nathan's flight (a smaller group within a squadron). Out of the 1200 or so basics, the squadron has about 100, and this picture has only 32. Anyway, Nathan is in the front row, second from the right.
Here's another picture from the same time. Nathan has terrific military bearing, of course :P
Here's another picture from the same time. Nathan has terrific military bearing, of course :P
Another one with not so great military bearing - as in WebGuy caught him blinking! hehehehehe ;-) Nathan is on the right.
And now for the intramurals.....I liked these because it was easier to find his squadron in the pages of pictures! (The squadrons are color coded - lanyards when they are wearing uniforms and shirts when they are doing intramurals).
Nathan standing in formation and waiting for orders I guess.
He did volleyball intramurals yesterday. I think he was getting ready to serve the ball in this one, but I'm not sure.
He did volleyball intramurals yesterday. I think he was getting ready to serve the ball in this one, but I'm not sure.
Above is the group from Nathan's squadron that did volleyball. He is on the left edge of the picture.
p.s. I just realized that you can see any of the pictures in my posts at a larger size by clicking on the picture - so that would be helpful for some of the pictures where Nathan is harder to see :D
ALSO, I just realized there is a video of Nathan doing volleyball! Here is a link - hopefully you will be able to see it!
http://usafawebguy.com/blog/volleyball-intramurals The video is taken from the same place as the last picture (above), so Nathan is off to the left. He is the one who hits the ball when they count "ten."